Looking for Something to Do?
Wednesday, Oct. 30
Zumba with Val: 6:30-7:30 p.m., through Dec. 11. James Williams Middle School gym. Dance to great music and burn calories without realizing it. Rhinelander School District Community Ed class. $18/person or $4/drop in fee. Call Mike with questions, 715-365-9745.
Total Body Training: 6:15-7 p.m., Fitness center at RHS. Instructor is Roni Garza. Rhinelander School District Community Ed class. $20/Register in advance on district website. Call Mike with questions, 715-365-9745.
Thursday, Oct. 31
Parent/Tot Time: 10 a.m., Thursdays, Rhinelander District Library. Twenty-minute program for ages two to three-and-a-half accompanied by an adult. Also Story Time at 10 a.m., Thursdays, Rhinelander District Library. A 40-minute program for ages three-and-a-half to six. Children gather for a simple craft following programs. 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
The Table, a Free Community Meal: 5:30 p.m., St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 39 S. Pelham St. This month’s host is Trinity Lutheran Church. The meal is served to anyone and everyone. There are no restrictions or requirements. For information, call St. Augustine’s at 715-420-0066.
Friday, Nov. 1
Scandinavian Club Meeting: 10 a.m., Rhinelander Family Restaurant. Everyone with an interest in Scandinavian culture and heritage is invited to attend. In recognition of All Saints Day, bring a photo of ancestors and share their story. Call Anita for reservations by Oct. 30, 715-369-1391.
Aspirus Community Fitness Center: 6-7:45 a.m. and 3:30-6 p.m. Monday through Friday at Rhinelander High School. FREE and open to students and the public.
Saturday, Nov. 2
Re-Tale Shop: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 25 Rives Street, next to the Rhinelander District Library. Used books and more. Open Tuesdays and the first Saturday. Run by the Friends of the Rhinelander District Library.
Face Off Banquet: 5 p.m., Holiday Acres. Fundraising banquet for Rhinelander Ice Arena. Silent auction, dinner, live auction. For information and tickets, Brett at 715-550-0116.
Sunday, Nov. 3
Indoor Farmers Market: 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays at YMCA of the Northwoods, Rhinelander. Fresh and healthy choices. Products sold include eggs, root crops and mixed vegetables, pumpkins, apples, jams, jellies, salsa, cheese, homemade breads and more. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
WXPR Fall Auction: 2 p.m., Holiday Acres in Rhinelander. Live music, silent and live auction. Complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres served. $20 admission. Jared, 715-362-6000.
Monday, Nov. 4
Baby Storytime: 10:15 a.m. Mondays, Rhinelander District Library. Twenty-minute program designed for ages six months to two years; simple stories, fingerplays and music. Social/playtime follows. 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Author Event: 6 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Local authors John Bates and Elizabeth Tornes will read from a selection of their prose and poetry. Books available for purchase and signing following the reading. Refreshments by the Friends of the Library. For information, 715-365-1070 or rhinelanderlibrary.org.
Aspirus Community Fitness Center: 6-7:45 a.m. and 3:30-6 p.m. Monday through Friday at Rhinelander High School. FREE and open to students and the public.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Coping with Cancer: 9-10:30 a.m., first Tuesday of the month at Marshfield Clinic Minocqua Center conference room 5. Give and receive support, learn coping tools and listen to guest speakers. New topic each month; free to attend. 715-358-1492.
Healing Hearts with Creativity: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.first Tuesday of every month at Old School Arts & Learning Center, 903 Boyce Drive. Free drop-in group allows participants to process difficult emotions through creative means with art facilitators and bereavement coordinators. 800-643-4663.
Bingo: 6:15 p.m., earlybird and 7 p.m. regular bingo, held Tuesday nights at the VFW in Rhinelander. Organized by Rhinelander Lions Club. For more information, [email protected].
Re-Tale Shop: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 25 Rives Street, next to the Rhinelander District Library. Used books and more. Open Tuesdays and the first Saturday. Run by the Friends of the Rhinelander District Library.
NAMI Family Support Group: 6:30 p.m., Minocqua Public Library, offered by the local chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Open to family and friends of anyone coping with mental illnesses; facilitated by family members who have been trained by NAMI Wisconsin. For information, 715-369-4740.
Crafternoon: 1-3 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Create your own personalized mug. Bring a photo, drawing or picture to transfer onto a mug, using a heat press machine. Free and all materials provided. Sponsored in part by the Northern Arts Council. 715-365-1070.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Sensory Storytime: 10:15 a.m., Rhinelander District Library. Inclusive program is designed to meet the needs of all abilities including autism spectrum, sensory processing issues and kids who just can’t sit still. Stories, movement, music and play. Five week session through Nov. 6. Rhinelanderlibrary.org.
Coffee & Company: Free community breakfast first and third Wednesdays, 8-9:30 a.m. at the VFW Hall in Rhinelander. Call 715-367-4790 or 715-282-5465 for more information.
Preparing for Entrepreneurial Success: 6-8 p.m., Vilas County Incubator. Free workshop to get answers to questions and find out if entrepreneurship is right for you. RSVP 715-365-4905 or [email protected].
Science on Tap: 6:30 p.m., Minocqua Brewing Company. This month’s topic is “From Beaver to Bear: Wisconsin DNR’s Wildlife Research Program in the Northwoods,” with research team leader David MacFarland. Scienceontapminocqua.org.
Thursday, Nov. 7
Northwoods Memory Cafe: 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. Gathering place for those with early stage dementia, mild memory loss or cognitive impairment and care partners. Refreshments, games, music. Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, 21 Timber Dr., Rhinelander. No registration, no charge. 715-362-5910 for information. Held first Thursday every month.
Preparing for Entrepreneurial Success: 6-8 p.m., Nicolet College Fieldside Center Room. Free workshop to get answers to questions and find out if entrepreneurship is right for you. RSVP 715-365-4905 or [email protected].
Friday, Nov. 8
2019 Artisan Holiday Market: 4-7 p.m., ArtStart Rhinelander. Browse this juried artist vendor booths for one-of-a-kind gifts in a Christmas market atmosphere. 715-362-4328 or artstartrhinelander.org.
Annual Harry Potter Trivia Contest: 5-6 p.m. or 7-8 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Sign up for one of the sessions in a team of up to four people. Prizes, themed snacks; costumes encouraged. All ages are welcome. 715-365-1070 or [email protected].
49th Annual Veterans Day Observance: 8:30-9:30 a.m., James Williams Middle School. Speakers, music by JWMS students. Local vets, their families and public invited to attend. 715-365-9220.
Saturday, Nov. 9
Old Fashioneds Up North: 6-10 p.m., Eagle Waters Resort. Bartenders from area restaurants compete with Old Fashioned recipes. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and entertainment. eagleriver.org.
Annual Christmas Bazaar: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Rhinelander. Featuring Trinity’s famous lefse, bakery, handcrafted items and Christmas wreaths, decorations, white elephant items. Serving coffee and lunch. Coffee, tea and lunch available for purchase.
Indoor Farmers Market: 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays at YMCA of the Northwoods, Rhinelander. Fresh and healthy choices. Products sold include eggs, root crops and mixed vegetables, pumpkins, apples, jams, jellies, salsa, cheese, homemade breads and more. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
2019 Artisan Holiday Market: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., ArtStart Rhinelander. Browse this juried artist vendor booths for one-of-a-kind gifts in a Christmas market atmosphere. 715-362-4328 or artstartrhinelander.org.
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