Viewpoint: Writer offers year end awards
And the Coward of the Year award goes to…
The mayor of Ferguson, Missouri, and the Governor or Missouri, for almost immediately placing blame on the police officer in the death of Michael Brown. Both had this officer convicted before knowing any of the facts in the incident. Both are guilty of pandering and playing politics. Both are responsible for the police in Ferguson being forced to stand by while the city was looted and burned. Dereliction of duty special awards to them for not supporting their own police.
The mayor of New York City, for the same reasons as above, for abandoning his police force, making inflammatory accusations to the people he should be supporting by being out there daily. Police do jobs that most of us could not or would not do, but the mayor is gutless.
My personal choice is that paragon of virtue, the hateful and racist Al Sharpton. The good “reverend” was in New York City last week leading the chant …”What do we want? More dead cops…” Then, incredibly, after the murder of the police officers in the city, he found a willing camera crew to make a statement that “his group does not condone violence.” Why is this man not in jail?
Our Attorney General for gross dereliction of duty also, for making a mockery of our justice system, again for political gain, for pursuing “civil rights” charges against the police officers involved, after two grand juries found no evidence to support the officers did anything but their duty.
And finally, to the man who pretends to be our President, for all the reasons above, and for his fanatical quest for “social justice” above all else, but only for those he chooses. He shares in the blame for the deaths of those police officers, maybe even more than the others. You reap what you sow…
This President took an oath of office with his first duty to protect the American people. He is not doing that. Call him a “rogue” or whatever you wish. I call him dangerous to America and our democracy.
When you thank a veteran for his or her service, also thank a police officer who puts it out there every day. Their tour of duty does not end after six months or a year. They will know most people support them, and we rely on them to protect us all.
Robert Orgeman, Rhinelander
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