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Y Offers Bus Excursion to Porcupine Mountains


Experience a full day of adventure to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This trip will take place Thursday, Aug. 22, and will begin with the "Trammers" tour of a historic copper mine at the Adventure Mining Company in Greenland, Mich.

"This tour is a fairly easy walking tour of the mine. The mine is about 50 degrees, however, so bring a jacket, gloves and good walking shoes," Marilyn Duschl trip coordinator, said.

Following the mine tour the bus will travel to the AmericInn in Silver City for lunch overlooking Lake Superior. The group will then have a guided tour of Lake of the Clouds in the heart of the Porcupine Mountains to learn about the history of the area and native animals.

The bus will stop in Ontonagon on the return trip for an opportunity to shop, check out the lighthouse museum or pick up a bite to eat. This is a full day of adventure but only moderate walking. Everyone in the community is invited.

The spacious comfortable coach bus will depart from the Y in Rhinelander at 8AM and from Northland Pines HS in Eagle River at 8:30 a.m. The bus will return around 8:30 p.m.

The cost of the trip is $65 which includes bus and tours. Lunch is on the individual. Please register by Aug. 16 by calling the Y at 715-362-9622 or 715-362-9500. YMCA trips are open to anyone in the community.

The Y reserves the right to cancel trips due to low registration. Refunds will only be given if trip is cancelled. Visit the YMCA website at for a full itinerary of this trip.


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