One hates to be reminded of the reality but we’ve halfway through July and summer will not last forever. After a dismal spring and early summer July and, soon, August, are the last chances we’ll have for hot, sunny weather. This week, for the first time, we had comments about less daylight than only a few weeks ago. Summer is short; best to make the most of it while we can.
Mid July typically brings some hot weather, some big storms and some wonderful times in the north. This July should prove no exception. If one enjoys summer in the Northwoods this is your time. Lakes are about perfect for swimming and boating, cycling and kayaking conditions are just right, fishing continues steady and family picnics and cookouts are a great part of life in summertime.
We will continue to see some big storms develop; that is part of the deal when temperatures and humidity rise in late summer afternoons. So a caution; keep an eye on the weather, especially late in the day. Storms move in from the west so watch the western sky and if it turns ominous get off the lakes. Big storms can bring lightning, heavy rains and stiff winds, a bad combination to deal with if near lakes.
Another advisory: Mosquitoes remain in pretty good numbers with all the standing water and warm temps. Choose whatever insect repellent you are comfortable with and make certain you have it close at hand. Ticks can also be an issue and tick-repellent clothing or clothing treated with a repellent (Permethrin is the best we’ve used) is a good idea.
But once having addressed those concerns the summer awaits! And great times can be had by all. The weather in the upcoming week looks good for most all outdoor activities and time, as noted earlier, is passing so don’t wait!
Fishing continues to be steady for most species. Walleyes are in deeper water and leeches under slip bobbers are working well. As is the case in July evening is usually the best time, either that or a day with cloud cover. Panfish are holding their own; crappies seem more active than bluegills or perch. Deeper water and small jigs are producing.
Bass are good summertime fish as they do well in warming water. Largemouth at dark can be very active, taking surface lures with enthusiasm. Smallies like deeper water and crayfish imitations work well in summer. River fishing can also be very good for smallmouth.
On the big fish front, northerns are taking spinner baits pretty well. Muskies are showing some action, taking surface lures as well as deeper running lures along weedy areas. July is not known as a great month for muskies but they are still feeding and will provide good angling even in the heat.
Sunday looks cool and that may slow fishing but after that the week should be good for all outdoors activities.
The Outdoor Report is provided by the staff of Mel’s Trading Post, downtown Rhinelander, where a variety of outdoor products is available.
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