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Town board meetings


Lake Tomahawk Web Site Committee Meeting

Date: June 6th 2012

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Lake Tomahawk Community Building, Peterson Room


1) Call to order

2) Approve agenda for June 6th

3) Approve minutes for April 4th

4) Citizen input

5) Web site updates

6) Correspondence

7) Date for next meeting

8) Adjournment

Posted 06-04-12

Town Shop

Post Office

Community Building

Town Web Site

Notice: There may be Town Board Members attending this meeting.


Thursday June 7, 2012 at 4:30P.M.

The Town of New bold Plan Commission will hold the regular monthly meeting on Thursday, June 7, 2012, beginning at 4:30 P.M. At the Newbold Town Hall.

The Agenda for this meeting is as follows:

(1) Call meeting to order

(2 Verification of notification

(3) Review and approve minutes of May 3, 2012

(4) Review for recommendation Minor Land division located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 (SE/SW) of section 28, Town 38 North, Range 08 East, Town of Newbold. Owner Mike Wojtusik, Surveyor A.R. Jones.

(5) Discussion / Action - Start time for future Plan Commission meetings.

(6) Discussion potential specialties for Commission Members.

(7) Discussion Chapter 8 Town Road Ordinance.

Administrative matters for review and discussion by commission members concerning general plan commission, town board, county board and county planning and zoning dept. activities, project updates and the following.

A. Chairpersons report

B. Correspondence

C. Future Meeting Agenda Items

D. Next Meeting DatePublic comment and communication period per Wisconsin Statutes, whereby the Plan Commission may receive any matter raised by the public.


Mike Sueflohn, Chairperson, Newbold Plan Commission

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call Town Clerk Kim Gauthier at 715-362-1092 with specific information about your request allowing adequate time to respond to the request.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject over which it has decision making authority. This constitutes a meeting of the Town Board, pursuant to State ex rel. Badke v Greendale Village Bd., 173 Wis. 2d 553, 494

N.W. 2d 408 (1993), and must be noticed as such although the Newbold Town Board will take no formal action at these meetings.

Posted: June 4, 2012, By: Mike Sueflohn, Chairperson Newbold Plan Commission



NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, June 9, 2012, at 1:00 P.M., at the Newbold Town Hall, Highway 47 North and 4606 Apperson Drive, Rhinelander, Wisconsin 54501, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held in consideration of the PROPOSED AMENDED ORDINANCE CHAPTER 11.13(6) Individual Lake Regulations - Wisconsin River (a) Applicability and Enforcement and (b) Slow-No-Wake Speed Limit in the Town of Newbold, in Oneida County, Wisconsin, pursuant to Chapter 30.77(3)(a), 30.50 to 30.71 of Wis. Statutes and Chapter NR5 Wisconsin Administrative Code of the DNR. The purpose of the hearing is to allow the public to make comments regarding the proposed amendments to the existing ordinance. The complete Proposed Amended Ordinance is available for inspection by contacting the Town Clerk, Kim Gauthier at 715-362-1092 or at

Dated this 5th day of May, 2012

Kim Gauthier, Clerk

Town of Newbold


Tues., June 5, 2012

(Changed to 1st Tuesday for June only)

New Fire Building- 7PM


Topic: Call to order

Presenter: Chair

Topic: Verification of Posting Agenda

Presenter: Chair

Topic: Approve May Bd. Minutes as distributed

Presenter: Board

Action/Discussion: Action

Topic: Approve Treasurer's Report

Action/Discussion: Action

Topic: Old Business

Presenter: Board

Updates by Chair/Supervisor

Follow up on road projects

Presenter: R. Goodin

Action/Discussion: Discussion

Follow up on Informational Mtg. on ATVs 5/22/12

Presenter: R. Goodin

Action/Discussion: Discussion

Follow up on brushing/branch removal

Presenter: D. Polinski

Action/Discussion: Discussion

Topic: New Business

Bid opening on road maintenance

Presenter: Board

Action/Discussion: Discussion/action

Any other new business that may come before the board

Presenter: Board


Review and payment of town invoices

Board of Review - Open Book and Board of Review

Meeting Sponsor Board of Review Committee

Date/Time Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Location Open Book is from 3-5 PM in the new fire building next to the Stella Town Hall.

Special Comments/Notes The Town's Assessor, Todd Anderson, Up North Assessments, LLC will be available to answer questions about your property and the tax roll will be available for your viewing during open book betweem 3-5 PM on June 5, 2012. Open Book and the Board of Review will be held in the new fire building due to Election.

Persons wishing to appear before the Board of Review need to provide written or oral notice of intent to file an objection to the clerk of the Board of Review (Town Clerk, 715-369-0543 at least 48 hours before this first scheduled Board of Review meeting. The form is available on the town website under "Forms" at or from the Town Clerk.

Board of Review is held between 5 - 7 PM in the new fire building.


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