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News Briefs


Calling all wildlife artists

Artists looking to have their work featured on a piece of history have until July 15 to submit artwork for the 2021 Wisconsin wild turkey, pheasant and waterfowl stamp design contests.

“This is a unique opportunity for Wisconsin artists to showcase their artwork statewide while also promoting wildlife management,” said Alaina Gerrits, assistant upland ecologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Funds derived from the sale of these stamps contribute to restoration and management efforts on thousands of acres of important wildlife habitat in Wisconsin.

The contest is open to anyone age 18 or older living in Wisconsin who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. Contest requirements are online at

Northland Pines offers parenting class

A series of three Parenting the Love and Logic Way® classes will be offered free of charge to parents, guardians and anyone who works with children. Each session builds on the previous session, providing additional ideas and tools. This parenting program is designed to give practical skills that can be used immediately with children of all ages. The classes will be held Mondays at the Olson Memorial Library, 2-4 p.m. March 2; 3-5 p.m. March 9 and 2-4 p.m. March 16. The facilitator is Emily Rhode, director of special education/pupil services at Northland Pines. Space is limited. Call 715-479-8989, ext. 1 to register.

Honor an ‘Invader Crusader’

Nominations are being accepted through March 23, 2020, for “Invader Crusaders,” the Wisconsin citizens and organizations who made outstanding contributions in 2019 to prevent, control or eradicate invasive species that harm Wisconsin’s native wildlife and wetlands, forests, prairies, lakes and rivers.

The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council is seeking nominations for individuals, groups or organizations for their exemplary efforts at addressing issues surrounding terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants and animals. The Invader Crusader Award will be presented in both volunteer and professional categories. To nominate an individual or organization, download and fill out a nomination form available online at

Demmer Library celebrates youth art month

The Demmer Library in Three Lakes is celebrating Youth Art Month with programs to encourage creativity. The Libratory has many different materials with which youth can experiment. Creations will be displayed around the library. Children are also encouraged to add their own personal touches to a giant banner, and participate in a bookmark design contest. Local artist Norma Dycus Pennycuff will be teaching two art classes at the Demmer, 1 p.m. Thursday, March 12 and 3:30 p.m. Thursday March 26. For more information, 715-546-3391or

Northwoods Film Festival

Plans are underway for the 2020 Northwoods Film Festival (NWFF), which will be held July 31-Aug. 1 at the Lakeland Cinema in Woodruff. The nonprofit festival was created to provide groundbreaking independent programming to local audiences in the Northwoods. Programming for the festival will be announced in the coming months with tickets on sale shortly afterwards.

RUHS class of 1970 seeks classmates

The Rhinelander Union High School class of 1970 is planning its 50th class reunion and is looking for several classmates. Anyone with information on the following people is asked to contact Dawn, 715-966-3412: Merle Alsteen, Loretta Anderson, Rebecca Bartman, Susan Borel, Marcia Brown, Helen Cretton, Steve Dahl, Janice Fish-Knitte, Linda Hansen, Cinda Haugsby, John Hazard, Rita Herum, Elliot D. Hess, Alice M. Hunte, Larry Javenkowski, Frank J. John, Denise Johnson, Randall Johnson, Joseph Kichefski, Marilyn Klaver-Neuman, Kateri Kopp-Welch, Tom Krogel, John Kronschnabl, Holly Kuczmarski, Sharan Mark, Anne Marquardt, Joseph Mason, Barbara McLelland, Kathy J. Meidl, Mary Miazga, Heather Michie, Valerie Miller-Wright, Julie Joel, Sandra Norton, Mary Jo Novak, Donald O’Melia, Jared Pearson, Tim Pecore, John Phillips, Michael Piasecki, Rocky Piasecki, John Pickering, Judith Pilgram, John Reich, Rod Robins, Pagen Schaefer-Schilling, Sue Schmitz, Barb Schulz, Chuck Sigurdson, Patricia Skinner, Susan Stefonik, Lynn Steger, Michael Stevens, Linda Tanner-Ring, Blaine Tober, Sandra Valaitis, Art Wells, Melinda Whittaker, Daniel J. Woller.

ACS kicks off daffodil sale

The American Cancer Society has kicked off its annual Daffodil Days campaign. The flowers, the first of the spring, represent a campaign to bring hope to cancer patients and those affected by the disease. Funds raised through the sales help support groundbreaking research, patient services and other cancer socity programs. Daffodils can be purchased by the bunch for $10 through March 11. They will arrive March 19. For information or to order flowers, contact Joy Turpin at 715-479-6560 or

‘Unsung Difference Maker’

The Rhinelander Community Foundation is seeking nominations for an Unsung Difference Maker. This person is someone who quietly and unselfishly gives to the community, a person who makes a significant impact in Rhinelander but neither seeks nor receives recognition or reward for their contributions.

“There are members of the community that never seek recognition but deserve it,” said RCF board member Steve Michlig. “Some are the backbones of volunteer organizations, a comfort to the sick or elderly, or are neighbors who are always there.”

To recognize an Unsung Difference Maker, visit Nominations will be open until March 31, 2020, with recognition of nominees at RCF’s Dine for a Difference April 22.

news briefs feb 26 2020


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