Friday, February 7, 2025

Looking for Something to Do?


Saturday, Sept. 21

Hodag Farmers Market: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. through Oct. 15 at Pioneer Park. Buy local in-season food and make connections with the people who grow it. Meats, produce, cheese, bread and much more. Visit for more information.

North by Northwoods 3 Lakes Music Crawl: All day, live music at a variety of venues. Including Michael Saint, MixTape, Diamond Pepper and Scott Kane.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s: 8 a.m. registration at Rhinelander High School. Help raise money for care and support services for those living with the disease and their caregivers. To join a ream or register as an individual, visit

Hodag Musky Challenge: Rhinelander area lakes. Fishing tournament on area lake groups. Benefits Northwoods United Way and Rhinelander Ice Arena.

Art Harvest Celebration: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Land O’Lakes community garden and VFW grounds. Enjoy the fall season with local, nature-inspired art.

Colorama: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Germain community park. Celebrate beautiful colors and bountiful harvest with a craft show and farmers market, wagon rides, pumpkin painting, entertainment, food and drinks.

Helo and Stitch 5k Run/Walk: 11 a.m., St. Germain community park. Pet-friendly fundraiser for Vilas County K-9 program.

Oktoberfest: 4-11 p.m., Rondele Ranch, Harshaw. Bands, beer, German food and more. Admission $5.

Sasquatch Sip & Stroll: 5-7:30 p.m., North Lakeland Discovery Center, Manitowish Waters. Explore an interpretive trail while sampling local beer. Lakeside music and appetizers following the stroll.

Sunday, Sept. 22

Hodag Musky Challenge: Rhinelander area lakes. Fishing tournament on area lake groups. Benefits Northwoods United Way and Rhinelander Ice Arena.

Fall Color Hike: 1 p.m., Ice Age Trail in Harrison Hills. Public is invited. Hosted by the Northwoods Chapter Ice Age Trail Alliance. Meet at the recreational parking lot on Hwy. B. Hike will be 2.5-3 miles. For more information, Ruby Jaecks, 715-551-1118 or

Monday, Sept. 23

Aspirus Community Fitness Center: 6-7:45 a.m. and 3:30-6 p.m. Monday through Friday at Rhinelander High School. FREE and open to students and the public.

Bingo: 7-9 p.m. Mondays at the St. Germain Community Center. Cash prizes awarded and food is available for purchase. For more information visit or call 715-477-2205.

Baby Storytime: 10:15 a.m. Mondays, Rhinelander District Library. Twenty-minute program designed for ages six months to two years; simple stories, fingerplays and music. Social/playtime follows. 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.

Northwoods Wildlife Center Tours: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Northwoods Wildlife Center, Minocqua. Learn about resident wildlife at a working rehab hospital. Tours are free; donations appreciated.

Low Back Pain: 5:15-6:15 p.m., RHS training lab, room 506. Dr. Mike Murcko, PT, talks about low back pain and what do x-rays and MRIs really tell us. SDR Community Ed class; pre-register at community section of district website. Questions? Contact Mike Cheslock, 715-365-9745.

Minute to Win It: 4-5 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Teens are welcome to join in playing a variety of Minute to Win It games. Win a prize for every challenge you or your team competes. Grand prize for most challenges complete. More information, Sarah, 715-365-1070.

Recruiting Women for Elected Office: 1:30 p.m., Pine Lake Town Hall, Rhinelander. Interactive presentation will offer opportunities to explore effective ways to recruit more women to run for elected office. Sponsored by Nicolet College Learning in Retirement and League of Women Voters of the Northwoods. Free and open to the public.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

Re-Tale Shop: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 25 Rives Street, next to the Rhinelander District Library. Used books and more. Open Tuesdays and the first Saturday. Run by the Friends of the Rhinelander District Library.

Bingo: 6:15 p.m., earlybird and 7 p.m. regular bingo, held Tuesday nights at the VFW in Rhinelander. Organized by Rhinelander Lions Club. For more information,

NAMI Northern Lakes: 6-8 p.m., fourth Tuesday of the month, lower level of Trinity Lutheran Church in Rhinelander. Local chapter of National Alliance on Mental Illness. Monthly meetings for anyone affected by mental illness, consumers or family members. For more information, call 715-420-1700 or Mick, 715-369-4740.

National Voter Registration Day: 1-3 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. League of Women Voters will be available to help people who need to register to vote. Check registration status or register online at

National Voter Registration Day: 4:30-6:30 p.m., Minocqua Public Library. League of Women Voters will be available to help people who need to register to vote. Check registration status or register online at

Wiggle, Giggle and Shake: 5:30-6:15 p.m., Tuesdays through Oct. 29. Presented by Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services. Designed to stimulate your child’s development and nurture your bond. For birth to five years. SDR Community Ed class. Pre-register at community section of district website. $10/family. Held at Crescent Elementary School music room. Questions? Call Mike, 715-365-9745.

Wednesday, Sept. 25

In Progress: 7-9 p.m., last Wednesday of every month, at ArtStart Rhinelander. An evening dedicated to sharing your craft, however finished it may be: storytelling, poetry, music, comedy, theater, etc. Reserve your spot by text, 715-550-0177 or phone, 715-362-4328.

Lakeland Art League: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., all day open studio. Free for members and community. Bring artwork currently in progress or that needs a little help. Anyone interested in art is welcome.

Rose Colella Cocktail Jazz Quartet: 7 p.m., Nancy Volk Auditorium at Wabeno High School. Fresh off her first U.S. and Canada tour is jazz vocalist Rose Colella. For tickets, 800-838-3006 or order online,

Thursday, Sept. 26

Parent/Tot Time: 10 a.m., Thursdays, Rhinelander District Library. Twenty-minute program for ages two to three-and-a-half accompanied by an adult. Also Story Time at 10 a.m., Thursdays, Rhinelander District Library. A 40-minute program for ages three-and-a-half to six. Children gather for a simple craft following programs. 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.

Men Connecting through Grief: 1-3 p.m., the last Thursday of every month, Ascension at Home office, 111 E. Davenport St., Rhinelander. All men who have experienced the death of a loved one invited to join others in ongoing opportunity to get support for their grief through special meetings focused on men only. Free to attend; for information call 800-643-4663.

School of the Arts Legacy Program: 5 p.m. opening reception at Nicolet College. Four-day art and writing retreat; classes held at UWSP Treehaven campus in Tomahawk. Schedule and more information at

Project North Festival: Downtown Rhinelander. Eclectic concerts, thought provoking art and sustainability education. Schedule and admission information at

Enchanted Doll Club of the Northwoods: 1 p.m., Walter E. Olson Memorial Library. Presentation by Bonnie Margitan of a very unusual collection of dolls made of paper. For more information, call Bonnie, 715-356-6889 or Judy, 715-482-9804.

Friday, Sept. 27

Minocqua Farmers Market: Fridays, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., in the Minocqua Sports Complex. Local produce, eggs, meats, sauces, bakery, plants, flowers, dips, dog treats and much more. New vendors. For more information visit

UP Parkinson Disease Symposium: 8:45 a.m., Bay College West, Iron Mountain, Mich. Speakers, forums, healthcare vendors. Free admission; pre-register at 800-852-9781.

Saturday, Sept. 28

Personal Essentials Pantry (PEP): Last Saturday, monthly, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 724 Arbutus St., Rhinelander. Personal items for people in need. New clients should bring documentation of food pantry, WIC, BadgerCare or Food Share program participation.

Beef-A-Rama: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., downtown Minocqua. Beef roasters begin cooking their signature beef before dawn then parade their roasts downtown. Come in cow-stume or not, participate in beef-eating contests; live music and craft show.

Warm for Winter: 10 a.m.-noon, Friendly Village, 900 Boyce Drive. Clothing available in every size and type, every member of the family. No income limits required, no questions, no paperwork. Please bring a bag for items. 715-362-7157.

Harvest Hoedown: Noon-6 p.m., Woodpecker Bar and Grill, Hwy. K Rhinelander. Family fun, live music, bake sale, country store, hay rides, raffles, food and more. Benefits Rhinelander Area Food Pantry and Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing.

Sunday, Sept. 29

Tom Booth Concert: 7 p.m., Nativity of Our Lord Church. Booth is an internationally known musician and composer who will also lead a three-day mission. Free will offering dinner will precede the concert at 5:30 p.m. For more information and tickets, 715-362-3169.

Monday, Sept. 30

The Table, a Free Community Meal: 5:30 p.m., St. Augustine Episcopal Church, 39 S. Pelham St. This month’s host is Rhinelander Women’s Club. The meal is served to anyone and everyone. There are no restrictions or requirements. For information, call St. Augustine’s at 715-420-0066.

Northwoods Wildlife Center Tours: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Northwoods Wildlife Center, Minocqua. Learn about resident wildlife at a working rehab hospital. Tours are free; donations appreciated.

Tuesday, Oct. 1

Crafternoon: 1-3 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Expert weaver Cathy Krupinski will teach the group how to weave a coin purse on a cardboard loom. Free to attend; all materials provided. Sponsored in part by the Northern Arts Council. Cindy, 715-365-1070.


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