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Looking for Something to Do?


Saturday, May 4

Vidalia Onion Sale: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in Eagle River, Rhinelander, Crandon, Minocqua, St. Germain, Three Lakes, Tomahawk and Lake Tomahawk at various outdoor locations. Look for signs. Vidalia Onion salad dressing also for sale. Annual Northwoods Shrine Club event sponsors area children in need at Shriner’s Childrens Hospitals.

Garden Fresh Salad Bowl Luncheon: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Holiday Acres. Dine on a variety of signature salads donated by area restaurants, rolls, beverage and dessert. Fundraiser for the Rhinelander Area Food Pantry. Includes live music, raffles, silent auctions. Tickets are $20, available at Forth Floral, Peoples State Bank, the Briar House, Lattitudes or the pantry.

The Crucible: 7:30 p.m., Nicolet College Theater. Nicolet Players presents the timeless tale of caution that warns of the consequences when fear and suspicion take over facts and reason. Tickets, 715-365-4646 or

Northwoods Choraliers: 2 p.m., First Congregational Church in Rhinelander. “Sounds of Spring.” Desserts and beverages after the concert. Tickets available at Diane’s Frame Shoppe, downtown Rhinelander, or at the door.

Free Comic Book Day: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Stop by for a free comic book appropriate for all ages. Parents should accompany children. Garyn Roberts, comic book expert, will be on hand to discuss values and the books themselves. 715-365-1082.

Comic Book Author: 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Meet Joe Mangles as he makes an appearance as part of Free Comic Book Day.

Free Running Clinic: 8-9:30 Health in Motion, Rhinelander. Hosted by Dr. Ryan Schouweiler; topics to include runner’s knee and IT Band Syndrome, injury prevention topics. RSVP to

Reza the Illusionist: 7:30-9:30 p.m., Northland Pines High School. Award-winning magician and entertainer has a unique brand of cutting edge magic and illusions. Sponsored by Headwaters Council for the Performing Arts.

Indoor Farmers Market: 9 a.m.-noon at YMCA of the Northwoods. Weekly vendors vary; products sold to include eggs, root crops and mixed vegetables, pumpkins, apples, jams, jellies, salsa, cheese, homemade breads and more. For more information, call 715-362-9622 ext. 118.

Martinis in May: 6-10 p.m., Whitetail Inn, hosted by St. Germain Chamber of Commerce. Martini-tasting event competition. Tickets online at or at the Chamber of Commerce. 715-477-2205.

Home and Beauty Expo: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Reiter Center in Three Lakes. Free admission; fundraiser for Three Lakes Drama program’s trip to New York. Vendors, demonstrations, samples, soup and baked goods for sale.

Sunday, May 5

The Crucible: 2 p.m., Nicolet College Theater. Nicolet Players presents the timeless tale of caution that warns of the consequences when fear and suspicion take over facts and reason. Tickets, 715-365-4646 or

Open Swim: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Heck Family Community Pool at Rhinelander High School. Free admission, sign-in required. Lap swim, family time, water basketball and more; lifeguard on duty and locker rooms are open. For more information, call 715-365-9745 or visit the school district’s website.

Spring Concert: 1 p.m., Campanile Center auditorium. Featuring local musicians Campanile Chorus, Bella Voce and the Lakeland Community Band. Visit

Monday, May 6

Author Event: 6 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Chris Sturdevant, author of “Cold War Wisconsin,” shares tales of the state’s role in the war between east and west, including nuclear missiles, Joseph Stahlin’s daughter, Sputnik and the Sterling Hall bombing at UW-Madison. Part of the Peters Memorial Series. Free and open to the public. 715-365-1082.

Bird Club “Coopers Hawk” Presentation: 6-8 p.m., North Lakeland Discovery Center. All are welcome. Held at the center’s main lodge.

Tuesday, May 7

Healing Hearts with Creativity: 12-2 p.m., first Tuesday of every month at Old School Arts & Learning Center, 903 Boyce Drive. Free drop-in group allows participants to process difficult emotions through creative means with art facilitators and bereavement coordinators. 800-643-4663.

Coping with Cancer: 9-10:30 a.m., first Tuesday of the month at Marshfield Clinic Minocqua Center conference room 5. Give and receive support, learn coping tools and listen to guest speakers. New topic each month; free to attend. 715-358-1492.

Bingo: 6:15 p.m., earlybird and 7 p.m. regular bingo, held Tuesday nights at the VFW in Rhinelander. Organized by Rhinelander Lions Club. For more information,

Advance Directives Program: 1-2:30 p.m., Marshfield Clinic, Minocqua Center. Free session, “Caring Conversations,” will highlight the importance of discussing with loved ones your future medical wishes via an advance directive. For more information or to register, call 715-221-7132.

Crafternoon: 7-3 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Learn how to stamp metal with words and images to create garden markers on spoons or personalized jewelry, keychains and dog tags. Free, all materials provided.Sponsored in part by the Northern Arts Council. 715-365-1070 or

Wednesday, May 8

Lakeland Area Mountain Biking: Wednesday night rides in the Lakeland area. Visit the LAMBO Riders Facebook Page for times and locations weekly.

May Mindfulness: 1-2:30 p.m., Ascension Koller Behavioral Health. “Going with the Flow.” Learn how to be more graceful and grateful with life. 715-361-2805.

Thursday, May 9

Time to Giddy up to Our Pony Party: 5:30-6:30 p.m., Rhinelander Goodwill Community Room. Learn about Girl Scouts and try out fun, hands-on activities – all with a little pony twist. Open to girls grades 4K through second. RSVP to Cheryl, or 920-955-3345.

Roots Concert: 7-9 p.m., ArtStart Rhinelander. Performance by blues artist Howard “Guitar” Luedtke. Cash bar available; $10 suggested donation. 715-362-4328 or

The Crucible: 7:30 p.m., Nicolet College Theater. Nicolet Players presents the timeless tale of caution that warns of the consequences when fear and suspicion take over facts and reason. Tickets, 715-365-4646 or

Community Night in the Fab Lab: 4:30-6:30 p.m., Northland Pines Fab Lab. Students and staff will be available to demonstrate the equipment and answer questions, For more information, call Josh, 715-479-4473, ext. 1102 or email

DAR Meeting: 10 a.m., Eagle River Airport. The Nokomis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution business meeting first, followed by a program on DAR special project grants. For more information, call Karen, 715-546-4298.

Northern Lights: 6-8 p.m., RHS art room, 134. Local artist Thomas Barnett leads this Rhinelander Community Education class in using Ala Prima style oil painting techniques to create a canvas featuring the Northern Lights. Register and pay online at the School District of Rhinelander website/community. Questions? Call Mike, 715-365-9745.


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