Saturday, Dec. 23
Skate With Santa: 5-6 p.m., Rhinelander Ice Arena. $3 per skater; rental skates $3. Open skate follows until 7:30 p.m.
Winter Farmer’s Market: 9 a.m. – noon. Vendors vary weekly; organic apples, eggs, honey, jams, jellies, bread, vegetables, cheese, handmade soaps, lotions, balms. At YMCA of the Northwoods, 2003 E. Winnebago St., Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
Holiday Music Concert: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Rhinelander Masonic Lodge, 23 E. Davenport St. Features Northwoods Brass Quintet. Cookies, candy canes, hot chocolate and coffee. All are welcome.
Monday, Dec. 25
Christmas Not Alone Dinner: 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Nativity of Our Lord Church, St. Joe’s site. Hosted by Rhinelander Lions Club. Free taxi rides, call 715-365-7433. Free delivery to shut-ins; call 715-282-5904 before Christmas Day, or call Christmas morning before noon, 715-490-0048. Volunteers may call Tom, 715-362-6534.
Wednesday, Dec. 27
Building with Recyclables: No-School Special at the Rhinelander District Library, through Saturday, Dec. 30. Children are invited to stop by during open hours and create with recycled materials. For more information, call Tom, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Thursday, Dec. 28
Popcorn and a Movie: 2 – 3:42 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Watch “Cars 3” (PG). Enjoy freshly popped pocorn. Free admission. For more information, call Tom, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Parent/Tot Time: 10 a.m., Rhinelander District Library; 20-minute program for ages 2-3 1/2 accompanied by adult. Simple craft to follow. Call Tom for more information, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Story Time: 10 a.m., Rhinelander District Library meeting room; 40-minute program for ages 3 1/2 to 6. Simple craft to follow. Call Tom for more information, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Friday, Dec. 29
Annual Candlelight Ski: 6 – 8 p.m., Rhinelander Community Trails at RHS. Sponsored by Northwoods Nordic Ski Club and Mel’s Trading Post. Groomed trails, demo skis and boots, camp fire, hot cider and cookies. RHS/JWMS ski teams and coaches present. For more information, visit
Saturday, Dec. 30
Personal Essentials Pantry (PEP): Last Saturday, monthly, 9 a.m. - noon, First United Methodist Church, 724 Arbutus St., Rhinelander. Personal items for people in need. New clients should bring proof of food pantry, WIC, Badger Care or Food Share program. Contact Barb, 715-282-5956 for details.
Land O’Lakes Art (LOLA) Arty Party: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.,at LOLA Center for the Arts, downtown Land O’Lakes. For all ages; $5 at the door. Creative materials available for use. Snacks and beverages available. For more information, call 715-547-3950 or visit
Winter Farmer’s Market: 9 a.m. – noon. Vendors vary weekly; organic apples, eggs, honey, jams, jellies, bread, vegetables, cheese, handmade soaps, lotions, balms. At YMCA of the Northwoods, 2003 E. Winnebago St., Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
Warm for Winter: 10 a.m.-noon, clothing giveaway, the last Saturday of the month at Friendly Village, 900 Boyce Dr., Rhinelander. Includes bedding, clothing, footwear, outerwear and more for all ages. No questions asked. Bring a bag for your selections. For more information or for emergency help, call Jan, 715-362-7157.
The Table: 5:30 p.m., Saint Augustine’s Church, Rhinelander, Everyone is welcome for a free community meal served last day of the month. Meal is prepared and hosted by a different community organization each month. For more information, call 715-420-0066.
Thursday, Jan. 4
Comparing Christian Denominations: 6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, Rhinellander; different location each week. Free and open to the public. For anyone interested in what differentiates and unites deonominations. For more information and class schedule, contact Pastor Keith Wolf, 715-216-3602.
Friday, Jan. 5
TGIFriday Kids Art Classes: 3:30 – 5 p.m. for ages 7-8 and 5:30 – 7 p.m. for ages 9-13. Uniquely structured children’s art classes inspired by the current exhibition, “Capturing the Packers: 75 years of Biever Family Photographs.” Children learn and explore art forms and themes. Taught by professional art instructors. $15 per class; sliding scale pricing available. Register at or call 715-362-4328.
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