Holiday Open House: Noon – 4 p.m., Rhinelander Historical Society, 9 S. Pelham, decorated in early 1900s holiday style. Includes holiday music performed by local musicians, cookies and candy, eggnog and apple cider. Old-fashioned sleigh parked outside available for family photos. Free admission.
Holiday Bake Sale: 9:30 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church fellowship hall. Specialty cookies Homemade lefse, ethnic baked goods. Coffee and cookies beginning at 9 a.m. 21 W. Timber Dr., Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-5910.
Railroad Depot Open House: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Pioneer Park in Rhinelander. Model train displays, food and drink, history.
Winter Farmer’s Market: 9 a.m. – noon. Vendors vary weekly; organic apples, eggs, honey, jams, jellies, bread, vegetables, cheese, handmade soaps, lotions, balms. At YMCA of the Northwoods, 2003 E. Winnebago St., Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
Bake Sale and Craft Show: Sponsored by Rhinelander Leo Club, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Hodag Banquet Center on Pueblo Drive. For more information call Jill, 715-628-0610.
Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting: 5 p.m. parade begins near Rhinelander Police Department and concludes at Stevensport Square for tree lighting. Caroling, cookies and hot chocolate.
Northern Paddle and Trail: 5 p.m., membership and planning meeting at Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church, 235 N. Stevens St. Potluck dinner; bring a dish to pass and your own non-alcoholic beverages. New members welcome. Call Dave Hansen for more information, 715-771-0584.
Lutefisk and Meatball Supper: 4 p.m., Pioneer Lutheran Church, 3675 Church Rd., Conover. Homemade pies and Scandinavian pastries, cranberries, potates, lefse and green beans. Reservations required. Call Maxine for more information, 715-545-3026.
Tree of Love Ceremony: 6 p.m., Ascension at Home office on Davenport St., Rhinelander. 11th annual event. All invited to begin the holiday season with hearts of love and memories. For $10 donation, have loved one’s name read and memorial tag on the tree. Call Mel Houg for more information, 800-643-4663.
All Things Winter: Art Exhibit and Sale, through Jan. 31 at Lakeland Art League, Minocqua Town Center Art Gallery. Features artwork by league members featuring many artistic techniques. For more information, email or visit
Elcho Area Community Food Pantry: Mondays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Wednesdays, 4-6 p.m. Serving people living between Antigo, Rhinelander and Crandon. 11224 Antigo St., Elcho.
Baby Story Time: 10:15 a.m. every Monday, 20-minute program at the Rhinelander District Library. Simple stories, fingerplays and music for youngsters age 6 months to 2 years. Call Tom for more information, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Oneida County Democratic Party: 5-6:30 p.m., annual pizza party. All-you-can-eat pizza and soda with a $15 donation. Pizza Haven, Lake Julia Road, Rhinelander. Music by Scott Kirby. RSVP by Dec. 4 to 715-360-0619.
Coffee and Company: “Free Community Breakfast” 8-10 a.m., first and third Wednesdays of the month at the VFW Hall in Rhinelander. Call Mary at 715-367-4790 or Nancy, 715-360-4126 for more information.
“Christmas Everyday” Musical Tour: 7 p.m., Rhinelander High School auditorium. Featuring Unspoken, Ryan Stevenson and Austin French. Sponsored by Headwaters Christian Youth. Advance tickets are $12 per person; $15 at the door. The concert will be a combination of Christmas music and familiar favorite songs by the artists. For more information contact Headwaters Christian Youth at 715-369-2500.
Parent/Tot Time: 10 a.m., Rhinelander District Library; 20-minute program for ages 2-3 1/2 accompanied by adult. Simple craft to follow. Call Tom for more information, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Story Time: 10 a.m., Rhinelander District Library meeting room; 40-minute program for ages 3 1/2 to 6. Simple craft to follow. Call Tom for more information, 715-365-1070 ext. 1073.
Culver’s Share Night: 4-8 p.m. Portion of sales support the Rhinelander Area Food Pantry.
Drop Off Your Kids Night: 5-8:30 p.m. at Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, 21 W. Timber Dr. Parents can drop off kids while they shop, bake, decorate, etc. The church will have games and snacks. Cost is $5 per child and proceeds benefit students attending a national gathering in Houston next summer. For more information and to register, call 715-362-5910.
Swim with Santa: 5:30-7:30 p.m., YMCA of the Northwoods. Families of all ages can enjoy activities in the pool and gymnasium. Space in the pool is limited, so pre-registration is required. For more information, including cost, call 715-362-9622.
Christmas Cookie Sale: 8:30 a.m. until gone, hold at Trig’s Riverwalk Mall. Sponsored by the Rhinelander United Methodist Women. Variety of homemade cookies and candy sold at $8/pound. For more information, contact Gina, 715-362-2091.
Meals for the Hungry: Every Friday, except fifth Friday of any month, 4:30-6 p.m. at Rhinelander Church of Christ, 1103 Thayer St., by Hodag Park. Free meal to anyone. Call 715-362-3956 for more information.
Cake Auction: 6-8 p.m., Rhinelander High School. Fundraiser for RHS Spanish club 2019 trip to Spain. One-of-a-kind cakes, many with holiday themes. Bids begin a 6 p.m. Winners need not be present but must pick up cake by 8:30 p.m. For more information, call Niki, 715-550-5656.
Murder Mystery Scholarship Fundraiser: 7 p.m., at Flowers from the Heart in Crandon. “The Ugly Christmas Sweater” performed by Wabeno Area Players, attendees will be part of the show and help solve the crime of murder. Only 75 tickets to be sold, $25 each. For more information, visit or call 715-889-1606.
Home for the Holidays: 7:30 p.m., classically trained jazz singer Desiree Wattelet will perform holiday harmonies at Nicolet College Theater and will be joined by other artists. $10 admission. For more information, call 715-365-4646 or visit
Build a Winter Wreath: 10 a.m., North Lakeland Discovery Center. Join Judy from JJ’s Acres to construct a 24-inch outdoor wreath. Cost is $30. Preregister by calling 715-543-2085.
Christmas Memories: 1:30-2 p.m. To help prepare for the holidays following the loss of a loved one. Ecumenical service of scripture, music, poetry and holiday refreshments. Each family will received an ornament with loved one’s name engraved. Carlson Funeral Home, 134 N. Stevens St., Rhinelander. RSVP appreciated to 715-369-1414.
Winter Farmer’s Market: 9 a.m. – noon. Vendors vary weekly; organic apples, eggs, honey, jams, jellies, bread, vegetables, cheese, handmade soaps, lotions, balms. At YMCA of the Northwoods, 2003 E. Winnebago St., Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-9622.
Santa’s Open House: 10-11:30 a.m., at Northwoods Community Elementary School. Sponsored by Harshaw Helping Hands Auxiliary. free admission; games and treats for all children 5th grade and younger. Call Barb, 715-282-5956, to register before Dec. 5.
Personal Essentials Pantry (PEP): 3:30-5:30 p.m., second Monday monthly, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 724 Arbutus St., Rhinelander. Personal items for people in need. New clients should bring proof of food pantry, WIC, Badger Care or Food Share program. Contact Barb, 715-282-5956 for details.
Christmas Tea: 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Holiday music by Jan Baer, tea donated by Coffee Beans, Etc., door prizes and treats provided by the Friends of the Library. Come as you are, or in traditional Victorian or Victorian Steampunk garb. For more information, call 715-365-1070.
Sugar Camp Community Blood Drive: 3-7 p.m., Sugar Camp Town Hall, 4059 Camp 4 Road. Call Mary Schoeneck to schedule an appointment, 715-272-1142.
Rhinelander Woman’s Club-GFWC: 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monthly meeting at Hodag Steakhouse. Nicolet Choraliers will perform. Plated lunch available. New members welcome. For more information, contact Cindy Goll, 715-369-1972.
Project SEARCH Information Night: 6-7 p.m., Rhinelander High School Room 133. Learn about one-year internship program for students with disabilities. In conjunction with Ascension Howard Young Medical Center. For more information, contact Shelley Lehman, 715-365-9500, ext. 8135.
Coping with Grief During the Holiday Season: 2 p.m., Rhinelander District Library. Free program for those who have experienced the death of a loved one, presented by Ascension at Home. Pre-registration appreciated. Call Christina, 800-643-4663 for more information.
ArtStart WWI Film Series: 7-9 p.m., final in the series. “Joyeux Noel,” a fictionalized account of an actual Dec. 1914 event when French, British and German troops came out of the trenches to share a moment of Christmas. Donations accepted at the door; cash bar. ArtStart, 68 S. Stevens St., Rhinelander. For more information, 715-362-4328.
Lights of the Northwoods: Premier display of holiday lights at Hodag Park Dec. 14-17. Free admission; food pantry donations and cash accepted.
Northland Pines Night in the Fab Lab: 5:30-7:30 p.m., hosted by the NLP school district technology ed. department. Volunteers will demonstrate equipment, focusing on 3D printing. For more information, contact Josh Fuller, 715-479-4473, ext. 1102.
Fab Lab Exploration Class: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Hodag Fab Lab. Class also runs Dec. 19 and 21, 6-8 p.m. Explore a vinyl cutter, 3D printers, 3D scanners, laser engravers and more. School District of Rhinelander Community Ed. course taught by RHS industrial tech teacher Mike Wojtusik. For informtion on cost and to register, visit the district website. Call Mike Cheslock with questions, 715-365-9745.
Lights of the Northwoods: Premier display of holiday lights at Hodag Park Dec. 14-17. Free admission; food pantry donations and cash accepted.
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