Beginning with the class of 2018, Rhinelander High School graduation will be held a week earlier than it has since 2008. The board of education passed a resolution Monday to change the day for graduation to the Sunday following the last day of school for seniors rather than the Sunday following the last day of school for all other students.
Superintendent Kelli Jacobi said a request for the change was made for several reasons, including because the seniors end their year approximately one week earlier than all other students. Additionally, she said when graduation occurs after the end of the school year, the music department battles with the attendance of underclass band students for performing at the ceremony and returning uniforms and school-owned instruments afterward.
A survey of area schools was conducted and determined that except for Rhinelander, graduation for all other schools is held prior to the last day of classes for all students.
The change goes into effect in Rhinelander with the graduation ceremony scheduled for June 3, 2018.
The board of education also passed a resolution authorizing Jacobi to send a letter to Madison requesting local control over the school start date. Since 2000, Wisconsin school districts have been required to start school no earlier than Sept. 1. Jacobi told the Operations Committee Feb. 13 that there is currently a push in Madison to give start date control back to the individual districts.
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