Gov. Evers announces ‘Badger Bounce Back’
Plan outlines criteria for reopening economy
Star Journal Report
Gov. Tony Evers Monday introduced his administration’s plan to reopen Wisconsin’s economy in phases. Called Badger Bounce Back, Evers said the plan includes steps to make sure workers and businesses are prepared to open as soon as it is safe to do so.
“As we’ve learned over the past month, in the most difficult of circumstances, Wisconsinites will rise to the occasion, helping each other and working together to do what’s best for our families, our neighbors, and our communities,” said Gov. Evers. “That’s what the Badger Bounce Back is all about: our resilience as a people and as a state. I am excited and hopeful about this plan. While being safe at home continues to be important, this plan is an all-out attack on the virus and it begins the process of preparing our businesses and our workforce for the important planning that will result in the safe and logical reopening of our economy.”
The plan was created in part by the President’s Guidelines for Opening Up America Again that was issued April 16. According to a press release, Wisconsin currently does not meet the criteria the White House established to start reopening the state. The Badger Bounce Back plan takes “important steps to get the state of Wisconsin there.”
The stated goal of the plan is to decrease cases and deaths to a low level and increase capacity in the healthcare system to phased reopening of businesses is possible.
That would entail increasing access to testing and lab capacity, to a goal of 85,000 tests per week. The state will also continue to grown Wisconsin’s supply of personal protective equipment for healthcare and public safety workers, and thirdly, to “bolster healthcare system capacity” so that patients can be treated without crisis care.
The state will be looking for a downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses and COVID-19 symptoms reported within a 14-day period, and a downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period. When the state has seen these efforts be successful, Wisconsin can begin to turn the dial, re-open the state, and get businesses and workers back on their feet.
The following is an abbreviated look at the Badger Bounce Back plan:
We turn the dial to open businesses and society in phases.
• Decisions to move from phase to phase are guided by data—Wisconsin’s Gating Criteria and Core Responsibilities.
• In order to turn the dial on Safer at Home and supercharge the Badger Bounce Back, we need to:
◦ Increase lab capacity and testing
◦ Increase contact tracing, including support for isolation and quarantine
◦ Track the spread of COVID-19 ◦ Increase health care capacity
◦ Procure more personal protective equipment
• Individuals and businesses agree to practice good hygiene, physical distancing and other best practices
See the complete Badger Bounce Back plan here. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s portion of the Badger Bounce Back plan aimed at helping to ensure workers and businesses are prepared and ready to bounce back is available here.
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