Northwoods Transit providing free ride to polls
Voters needing transportation to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, have two options for a free ride to their polling place.
Residents living within the Northwoods Transit service area in Eagle River, Lakeland Area and Rhinelander can get a free ride on the public transit bus. To arrange a ride on the Northwoods Transit bus, call 715-420-0585.
Buses will operate from 7:15 a.m. until 4:45 p.m. for this service.
Residents living outside these service areas, who are aged 60 or older, or age 18 and older with a disability should contact their county aging office for assistance in locating a ride. Oneida County residents should call the Department on Aging at 715-369-6170. Vilas County residents should call the Commission on Aging at 715-479-3625.
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