School District of Rhinelander Board of Education candidates share their views
Spring election 2018
Four Rhinelander School District residents are seeking to fill three seats on the Board of Education in the April 3 election.
The Star Journal gave the candidates, incumbents Ron Counter, David Holperin and Ann Munninghoff-Eshelman, and challenger Ron Lueneburg, the opportunity to tell the voters a bit about themselves and what issues they view as important in the next term.
Ron Counter – Incumbent
Why should voters choose you:
Voters should select me because I have proven through my voting record and policy proposals that I have the best interests of students and their education in mind. I bring with me to the school board 21 years of experience that has shown me what works and what does not. This experience also brings with it relationships that have been built with district staff, administrators and community members that have a solid foundation of trust and confidence.
What are the most important issues for the district in the next three years:
Security of our schools will continue to be the most important issue facing schools across the nation. Rhinelander must continue to provide the recourses for security improvements as technology evolves. Through the district’s partnership with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, the board must continue to strengthen policies and procedures, relying on threat assessments, to deal with threats that our students will continue to face. The board must also face each threat with conviction and strength. Across the nation there is much talk of armed personal in schools. Rhinelander has had resource officers protect students in the buildings for three decades.
While devoted to its students’ education, the board must use the financial resources efficiently to not over-burden the local taxpayers. Over the past decade the school district has decreased its long-term financial liabilities by $10 million. The district has increased fund balance, thus avoiding short term borrowing which has saved tens of thousands of dollars. The fund balance has also provided a vehicle for funding unexpected expenses such as a boiler replacement. The school district has also increased efficiencies such as improved energy efficiency, budgeting regular building maintenance and reorganizing the employee healthcare.
The board must provide each and every student the ability to be successful with their school program by developing curriculum and procedures that can be proven through the use of data gained by testing. The curriculum needs to be developed to allow change based on students’ needs.
I appreciate this opportunity and thank you for your past support. I look forward to continuing to serve the Rhinelander School District.
David Holperin – Incumbent
Why do you want to serve on the school board:
Six years ago I sought to become a member of the board for the first time. I had no prior experience in curriculum or youth education. My expertise was in business management and finance. The district at the time was operating under an outdated facilities plan and had no formal long-term strategic plan.
Once elected, I prodded the rest of the board to create such a plan. I said it often, “If you don’t know where you want to go, it is unlikely you will ever get there.” It took two years and in 2014 it was “mission accomplished.” We had developed a five-year, Five-Point Strategic Plan that would serve as an operational blueprint out to 2019. The district today is in a much better place because of that plan.
Why should voters choose you:
Professionally I am a local branch manager and senior vice-president of investments for Stifel, a national financial advisory firm. Additionally, for 23 years I was a co-owner and corporate officer of a privately-held company serving the municipal water industry throughout the Midwest. I also own and have managed several commercial properties.
Our mission as a district is to optimize the educational experience for each of our roughly 2,600 students and promote successful graduations. That mission can only be successful if it is supported by a vibrant high quality infrastructure. Our school district is one of the top four employers in Oneida County, manages an annual budget well over $30 million, and owns substantial commercial real estate. At the end of the day, education really mirrors business and in many ways it needs to be operated like one.
I am seeking re-election to the board so that my business experience can serve as a complimentary asset to the other eight members and be a “voice of reason” in circumstances that might be foreign to the other members. Insisting that we have a strategic plan is but one example. Not surprisingly, there have been many more during my time on the board.
What are the most important issues for the district in the next three years:
In the next three years I would like to see the board direct administration to further improve state testing scores and graduation rates, pass a new three-year referendum, further improve school safety (I would propose we explore a “threat assessment analysis,” discuss regularly, or create a committee), update and renew the strategic plan (current plan expires 2019), and plan for the potential expansion of room for the elementary grades as we are close to capacity now.
Ron Lueneburg
Why do you want to serve on the school board:
I have spent the last 29 years in public service, employed in municipal law enforcement. As part of my duties, I serve on several advisory committees. Serving on the Rhinelander School Board would allow me to continue serving the public in a different format. I believe my experience in local government, specifically in administration, would benefit me in making critical decisions on the school board in the areas of budgeting, personnel, infrastructure, planning, etc.
Why should voters choose you:
I would encourage the voters to support me for the Rhinelander School Board for several reasons. Through my background and experience I have developed into a critical problem solver in both difficult and rapidly developing situations. I understand local government, budgeting, personnel management, strategic planning, delivering a specific public service with fixed resources and a host of other things. More importantly, in addition to the afore-mentioned abilities, I understand the importance of providing steady leadership for our community.
What are the most important issues for the district in the next three years:
Over the course of the next three years, the school district will continue to face several challenges. Every few years referendums resurface so that we may maintain our schools in the district at a competitive level due to inequities in the state funding formula and vouchers. The district has been fortunate to have support from the taxpayers who seem to understand how critical it is to maintain a vibrant school system in our community.
School safety is also a matter of concern, not only in our district, but those across the country. I know that my background in public safety will allow me to contribute to informed discussion on the topic of school safety and assist the school board in developing the safest schools we can within our financial means. Public school safety and security is expensive. It is extremely important that as stewards of district funds, the school board maximize its ability to implement safety measures with fixed financial resources.
Class expansion at the lower grade levels is also becoming a significant concern. The district is challenged by an increasing student body size and static resources, in the form of classrooms and staff, with which to educate them. Superintendent Jacobi should be commended for researching options and bringing a possible solution forward to accommodate the increasing amount of students. I look forward to exploring this option more thoroughly with the board if elected.
Ann Munninghoff-Eshelman – Incumbent
Why do you want to serve on the school board:
I would like to serve another three years on the school board because of my core belief that education for our area kids is THE key solution to the problems we as a community and we as a nation are facing. I know that there are many difficult choices coming up for the school district, and I would like to play a part in finding creative solutions.
Why should voters choose you:
There is a steep learning curve for being an effective school board member. After having served for three years, I believe I am getting my feet under me. I was born in Rhinelander, and I attended public schools here in Rhinelander from first through 12th grade. I found my education prepared me to learn at a higher level, and I have graduated from UW-Oshkosh, UW-Milwaukee and UW-Madison. I had so many opportunities because of my public school education, and I was able to succeed in two separate professions (the practice of law for more than 30 years and being an instructor at Nicolet College for more than 10 years) here in the community I love. I want today’s students to have a similar broad range of opportunities, even here in Rhinelander.
What are the most important issues for the district in the next three years:
Funding, unfortunately, will always be a pressing matter. I have learned a lot in the last three years about how our local taxpayers are being required to shoulder more and more of the expenses for education. We need to be scrupulous in getting the best education – for all our children – that we can get for our money. I do applaud the school district administration for saving the taxpayers a lot of money by finding every reasonable way to cut expenses, but I do consider myself an advocate for the kids of this community and the education they urgently need to be quality citizens.
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