Nicolet College ‘Empty Bowls’ raises money for area food pantries
Nine area food pantries recently received donations from the money raised at the Empty Bowls event at Nicolet College. In all, the event raised $1,476, which was divided equally among the pantries.
Food pantries receiving funding included Three Lakes Christian Food Pantry, Headwaters Food Pantry, Vilas Food Pantry, Wasmogishek Food Pantry, Rhinelander Area Food Pantry, Personal Essentials Pantry in Rhinelander, Lakeland Area Food Pantry, Open Arms Community Food Pantry in Tomahawk and the Boulder Junction Food Pantry.
The fundraising event consisted of a simple meal of soup and bread prepared and served by Nicolet College Culinary Arts students. Participants were able to select a bowl from a wide variety of one-of-a-kind bowls crafted by Nicolet students and area potters.
As a bonus, those attending the event were able to keep the bowls of their choice.
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