Viewpoint: Reader asks what Trump, GOP have done for middle class
A recent letter by Mr. Gullan listed a litany of points he apparently believes show that the Democrats are having a bad month. If you check his claims you find:
“CNN reporters caught and fired generating fake news,” but a scorecard of Fox News reporters and pundits reveals that half truths or mostly false statements comprise 39 percent of its content and another 39 percent are completely false or outright lies. Yet, except for sexual harassment, nobody gets fired.
However, “polls confirm that less than 25 percent of us trust the media,” thus affirming that the GOP‘ s campaign to demonize the media is working.
“Kate’s law passed the house with almost no Democratic support.” Right, except for the 24 that voted for it. And Kate’s father said he would support “Kate’s Law” if it would save lives, but he would rather have his daughter’s name kept out of it and not be politicized.
“Obamacare premiums have more than doubled since 2013 and much of the country has zero or just one insurer.” Obamacare subsidies offset much of the impact of premium hikes. Premiums are up, but benefits are better. Yes, one-third of the counties do have only one insurer on the exchanges. Except that before Obamacare, millions had no coverage at all. Yes, Obamacare is limping along. Not surprising after the GOP has done everything in their power to sabotage it from the start, from meddling with the “risk corridor,” to cutting subsidies, to instructing federal agencies to waive or defer parts of Obamacare that would “impose a fiscal burden.” Then with a straight face they say- “look it’s collapsing.”
“Socialist Illinois in debt to the tune of $203 billion in pension liability,” but GOP Kansas and Kentucky are in similar dire straits.
“Democrat politicians put themselves ahead of the American people, pitting us against each other?” I think not. Democrats may be having a bad month, but Americans are having a bad six months. Explain to me exactly what Trump and the GOP have done for the middle class and what they have done for the 1 percent since they have been in control. Remember the GOP talk about “death panels.” Well, it is about to become reality, if Trump-care is enacted with its proposed $370 billion cut to Medicaid state funding. What next Medicare and then Social Security? The GOP should just be done with it and send out a packet of Hemlock and a voucher for cremation.
John Kocovsky, Hazelhurst
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