Rhinelander’s Streetscape work enters final phase
Road construction could finish within two weeks
Rhinelander’s downtown Streetscape project has entered the third and final phase of its road construction work and could wrap up sometime in the next two weeks, weather permitting, said city public works director Tim Kingman.
In addition to the Davenport Street Bridge having reopened to traffic late last week after being closed to motor vehicles since May 8, Kingman noted the second phase of the street work involving South Brown Street and portions or North Anderson and West King Street also wrapped up.
The second of two years of work for the Streetscape project began last month with the first phase having involved North Brown Street between Frederick and Davenport Street, along with Davenport Street east of the bridge to Stevens Street and portions of Courtney and Anderson Street.
The third and final phase now underway includes portions Stevens, Rives and Pelham Street with the final paving and striping to take place to finish those streets.
Kingman said the finishing touches on the Streetscape project will also involve decorative painting of the intersection of Brown and Davenport Street, which calls for painted crosswalks in the walkways bordered with white stripes as well as painted concrete for the bump-outs as approved last September by the City Council members who preferred that option with asphalt pavement rather than the more expensive colored concrete.
Rhinelander’s Streetscape project began in March of last year and wrapped up for 2016 in November. Numerous street closures occurred downtown last year when work took place separating the combined sanitary and storm water sewers and upgrading both systems along with putting down new pavement. The project has also involved increasing the width of sidewalks, installing decorative lighting, planting trees and other beautification projects.
This year’s construction schedule is posted on the www.rhinelandercityhall.org website.
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