Pertussis in the Northwoods again
Four cases confirmed in Three Lakes
The Oneida County Health Department (OCHD) has reported four lab-confirmed cases of pertussis at Three Lakes Elementary School. The OCHD is working with the Three Lakes School District, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and community health care providers to prevent the spread of pertussis, also known as whooping cough.
The OCHD is encouraging people to know the signs and symptoms of the illness, visit a health-care provider if symptoms are present and stay up-to-date on immunizations:
Individuals with Pertussis May:
- Begin with cold-like symptoms: a runny nose, possible low-grade fever, and a mild cough
- After 1-2 weeks of illness, have explosive coughing spells that can interrupt breathing and sleeping
- Make sounds as they struggle to inhale air (hence the name “whooping cough”)
- Vomit from coughing
- Experience severe coughing spells for several weeks or months
- Vaccinated individuals symptoms may be milder and without the typical “whoop”
Please monitor for the development of a cough illness. If you, or your family, develop symptoms described in this letter, the OCHD recommends that you contact your doctor for testing and treatment.
To prevent the spread of illness → Cover your cough. Wash hands often. Stay home when sick.
Ensure that you and your family are up-to-date on pertussis vaccinations. Please check with your doctor or the OCHD regarding your family’s vaccination status and to see if anyone is due for additional vaccinations.
For more information, call the OCHD at 715-369-6111.
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