New Food Pantry coming to Rhinelander in February
Ruby’s Pantry is a once-a-month food distribution program and is coming to Rhinelander in February.
Regular distributions will be held at Grace Foursquare Church’s Family Life Center the third Tuesday of each month starting Feb. 18. Registration begins at 4 p.m. and distribution begins at 5 p.m.
Ruby’s began in 2003 and handles 40 food distributions per month serving as many as 10,000 families and handling more than 800,000 pounds of food. All food is donated to the program by various corporations within the state and around the country. Anyone can patronize this pantry as Ruby’s Pantry is not based on income.
Families and individuals have an opportunity to stretch their monthly food budget. Each patron is asked to bring two laundry baskets (to carry the food) and contribute a $20 donation. This donation is given to cover transportation and operating expenses.
A free giveway kickoff event will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Grace Foursquare Church parking lot. Free potatoes, bread and ice cream will be given away until gone.
The organization is also looking for volunteers. To join as a volunteer attend and sign up Feb. 4, at 1 p.m. or call Lynne Friese at 715-282-6517.
For more information, call Pastor Bob Messerli at 715-362-5431.
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