Feb. 8 declared National Girl Scout Cookie Day
Girl Scouts of the USA has declared Feb. 8 National Girl Scout Cookie Day in celebration and recognition of the largest girl-led business in the world.
The Girl Scout Cookie program has been recognized by business leaders for their success in teaching girls five essential life skills: goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills and business ethics.
All the revenue earned from cookie activities stays with the local Girl Scout council that sponsors the sale and the girls themselves. Councils use cookie revenue to supply essential services to troops, groups and individual girls, such as providing program resources and communication support, training volunteers and hosting events. As part of their experience in any Girl Scout product activity, girls can earn official awards at every level of Girl Scouting, including cookie and financial literacy badges and the annual Cookie Activity Pin.
Girl Scouts in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan will sell cookies through March 20. Troops will host cookie booths outside of area businesses March 1 through 24.
Those who don’t know any Girl Scouts and would like to order cookies may call the local Cookie Hotline at (800) 246-4171 to connect with area Girl Scouts.
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