Letter: Referendum means higher taxes by Ray Platek
I would like to warn everyone in the Rhinelander School District to be aware that the school board and friends are giving the tax payers in the area the silent treatment to lull everyone to sleep, with no signs and few articles in print to read.
Anyone who is against their house or business taxes going through the roof better get out and vote no matter what, because the self-serving people will all be out voting themselves more jobs and money.
Think about this: For every $100,000 of valuation, you will have to pay $108 more. If your valuation is $200,000 or $300,000, it will be $216 or $324 extra and that doesn’t account for if the mill rate goes up.
I don’t think we should pay more to people that get great wages, super health care, great pensions and only work 8 months a year. I sure would like to have had that kind of job.
If you don’t vote against it, don’t complain about your taxes; you will deserve them. Also, keep in mind your pay went down with the Federal tax plan as of Jan. 1, and we will have to pay for Obama’s health coverage.
At this time, I think the school board and friends should have a segment on the TV show “American Greed.”
Vote NO.
Ray Platek, Rhinelander
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