Letter: Think carefully when voting by Craig Strid
Support it with thought and be absolutely sure where you place your vote.
I wish that there was a better alternative choice for president that you could reliably place your vote on, but there isn’t. I cannot vote for the Republican ticket because I have no idea what it represents. I ask you to please write down the defining tangible characteristics of their platform and exactly what they are going to do when elected to office. They have done so much shape shifting that they have only diluted the strength of their words.
They talk the talk but are forever changing their walk and because of this, they don’t support my trust in their ability to lead this nation.
They leave me with thoughts of alternative motives; therefore, I will not gamble on the future of this country. Would you risk everything you now have and the livelihood and the future of this country just to remove the president based on the color of his skin?
This country is too important to me to just place all my chips on one number based on luck. My vote is valuable enough not to waste it on a platform of Jell-o and shallow words.
Food for thought…
Craig Strid, Rhinelander
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