Town of Stella Town Board meeting Oct. 9
Tues., Oct. 9, 2012
5:00 PM
•Verification of Posting Agenda – Chair
•Approve August Bd. Minutes as distributed – Board
•Approve Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
•Updates by Chair/Supervisors
Follow up on Dean Johnson’s/Musky Bay request – Oneida Cty Zoning Decision
New Business
•Election Update
•Correspondence from OC Planning & Zoning re: sign placement – Clerk
•Any other new business that may come before the board.
•Review & pay town invoices
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
5 PM
Present: Bob Goodin, Supervisor, Deb Polinski, Supervisor; Dave Brunette, Chair, Clerk J. Fish, Treasurer K. Baker
Others Present: Len Gescheidle
Dave Brunette, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5 PM. Quorum Present. Meeting notice posted on 3 town bulletin boards and also on the town website
Minutes were distributed and approved. A Motion to accept the minutes as distributed was made by D. Polinski, seconded by B. Goodin, Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for August
The Treasurer gave a report of the town’s revenue and expense accounts for the month ending July 31, 2012. A motion was made by Bob G., seconded by Deb P. to approve the Treasurer’s report, Motion carried.
Old Business:
Supervisor Bob G. stated Fire Chief Bart Tegen said the FD would do a work order to move the flag pole/Baker Memorial over next to the town hall to replace the current flag pole that was damaged by a vehicle. The FD has suggested moving the replacement pole over by the Stella Town Hall Sign. They could run electricity to that area and have a spot light on it 24/7. It was discussed by the Board further and they felt the sign should be moved over next to the town hall where the damaged pole would be removed. It does not need to be lighted continuously.
Bob G. installed a stop sign and a “stop ahead” sign on Tenderfoot Rd. Freeman Bennett, OC Highway Dept., said the stop should be a 4-way stop sign. Also placed a stop sign on Spafford Rd and one on Stella Lk. Rd. that got knocked down. A couple of the signs we had in storage. Bob installed a new fire number on Spafford Road where K. Thorsten has a small saw mill.
Lenny G. attended the meeting to follow up up on the request from Moens lake Association regarding a “no wake” channel marker that was requested for two places on the chain. Bob G. said he had followed up again with the Town of Pelican Chair, who also received the request, and they are not going to draw up an ordinance to okay this at this time. It was concluded that there was no reason to create an ordinance at this time until the Moen’s Lake Assn. does more work on creating this ordinance and proof that it is warranted. A motion was made by Bob G., seconded by Deb P. to take no action on the Moen’s Lake Assoc. request to creat an ordinance to create a “slow wake” channel marker. All aye, motion carried.
Black topping on Sunset Lane will start next week; also replace a patch on Stella Lake Roda where culvert is. Pitlik may use left over oil from last road project to wet down dust problem on Warehouse Road.
New Business:
Bob G. suggested the Town Bd. send a letter to Bart Tegen thanking him for plowing Cambria Pt. in the past couple of years, noting that Dan Matson will take over Cambria Pt. plowing when the snow flies.
Review of Invoices
Invoices were reviewed and authorized for payment.
A motion to adjourn was made by Chair Dave Brunette, seconded by Supervisor Deb Polinski.
Minutes by Jean Fish, Town Clerk
Next town meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012 beginning at 5 PM
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