Town of Lake Tomahawk Town Board meeting Oct. 10
Regular Town Board Meeting
October 10, 2012
Town of Lake Tomahawk
The Town Board of the Town of Lake Tomahawk will hold the regular monthly Town Board meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 in the Raymond F. Sloan Community Center.
The Agenda will be:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve the agenda of October 10, 2012
4. Citizen Input
5. Approve the minutes of September 12, 2012 & September 24, 2012
6. Approve the payment of bills and vouchers
7. Treasurer’s report
8. County representative
9. Revise Town Ordinance Chapter 162 – Building Construction – Discussion/Action
10. Proposed State of Wisconsin DNR land purchase of 44.1 acres in the Town of Lake Tomahawk, T38N, R7E, Section 24 – Discussion/Action
11. Fire Number Sign Replacement -Discussion/Action
12. Correspondence
13. Adjournment
Posted: October 4, 2012
Community Building
Town Garage
Post Office
Lakeland Times
MEETING OF Sept 4, 2012
7:00 PM
Pat called meeting to order promptly at 7:00 pm; led pledge to flag.
Attendees: Chairman Pat Wingo, Vice Chairman Darlene Neumann, Treasurer Ginger Davis, Board Members Rob Morien, Tom Heilig; Parks Employee Bob Williams, Town Supervisor George Demet, Lake Tomahawk citizen Rodney Singleton.
Absent: 2 open board positions.
Reading of agenda for today. Pat reviewed the proposed agenda. Rob moved to approve; Darlene seconded; agenda approved
Reading of minutes from last month; no questions, no changes/corrects. Approval of minutes: moved by Darlene, second by Tom, minutes approved.
Financial Report: none available.
Financial Statement from YTD 2012 was distributed. Summary of Parks spending: underspent on total budget, overspent on equipment repair and newspaper ads; approval recommended Tom moved, Darlene seconded; approved.
– Parks employee report:
Citizen complaint re graffiti on picnic tables; Bob removed; Fall project to completely remove carved letters; Spring project to replace boards on bleachers. Staining of pavilion almost done. Reposted 2 new No Pets signs per Mr. Mazzurzick. Citizen question re mowing of extra parking, Bob expects it to be completed before Fall Fest on September 15. Need 2 replacement seats for swings, brought catalogs with examples/recommendations. Given approval to purchase; recommended it be charged to Equipment Repair as a non-budgeted item. Winterize bathrooms will be done by month-end. Darlene offered thanks to Bob regarding his availability to work over the Holiday weekend.
Unfinished Business:
– Parks Commission openings. Polly was approved last month. Rodney recommended and approved. Pat will forward to the Town for approval.
– Parks employee job description. Ginger distributed the revised job description per last month’s recommendations. Pat recommended approval, Tom seconded. Job description approved.
– Pets at Snowshoe Games: Pat suggested that all Parks rules are outdated and need revising. He suggested that the Commission bring recommendations for changes – including changes to the Pets regulations – to next month’s meeting. Pat distributed the current Chapter 278 [Rules and regulations in Town parks] for individual use to mark for recommended changes. The Commission agreed to bring recommendations to next month’s meeting so that the revisions could be finalized and submitted to Town Board after next month’s meeting.
New Business:
Future development of Town Parks: Ideas? Discussion included expansion of Playground opportunities, especially at the Boat Landing. Suggestions included developing new uses for the old (unused) volleyball court, perhaps a Rock-climbing feature, with additions for future (slides, swings, and stepping rocks). Concerns were raised regarding the potential high cost of such equipment. Recommendation was to look at equipment that would total to less than $3000, including consideration of used equipment from area schools, Craig’s List and other options that would control costs. Fishing pier: Tom raised concerns re Handicap fishing and the need for handicap toilet facilities; he offered to research regulations and possible grant opportunities to fund the project. Ginger asked about Bearfoot Park, specifically safety of stairs; Bob will look into.
Election of Officers: must do once per year, with nominations and approvals. Officers elected as follows: Chair: Darlene nominated Pat Wingo, Tom seconded. Passed; Vice-Chair: Pat nominated Darlene, Tom seconded; passed; Secretary: Pat nominated Ginger; Darlene seconded; passed; Treasurer: with the changes to responsibilities, Pat suggested it is an unnecessary position and recommended leaving the position unfilled; Rob seconded; passed.
2013 Budget: Tabled until next month, need new forms.
Christmas Tree Lighting: Darlene recommends increasing # of bags of candy (based on needs from last year). She asked permission to buy candy after Halloween to take advantage of sales to reduce costs for this year. There was a question regarding staffing for the Christmas party; Darlene volunteered to continue.
Other New Business: Rob asked about maintenance of town signs; George said the Town is responsible, will follow-up.
Town Supv report: Town is working on job descriptions for all town positions. George stated that they plan to use the Parks job description to expedite the project. Thanks to Ginger for example.
Next meeting: October 2. Motion for adjournment: Tom moved, Rob seconded, motion passed.
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