Ads attacking Baldwin are untrue By Kay L. Hoff
Are you tired of TV ads by the United States Chamber of Commerce and PACS like Americans for Prosperity? Do you know which of the global corporations and Wall Street companies are doling out millions for those ads? Who are the billionaire CEO’s or corporate board members passing along their millions without disclosure? Finally, exactly what do these unknown billionaires expect in return for their millions?
The US Chamber of Commerce represents many global corporations and billionaire owners who “outsource” rather than “create” jobs, who line up for corporate handouts and tax loopholes, and who fund campaign ads against candidates like Tammy Baldwin. Tammy Baldwin refuses to vote for “unfair,” “unbalanced” corporate and billionaire tax cuts and loopholes that do NOT trickle down. Yes, she voted against continuing those Bush-era tax cuts on income/capital gains/dividends, which would have had those making over $250,000 go back to paying the same tax rates they did under President Clinton. That’s a vote that I totally agree with! No wonder PolitFact Check rates this ad mostly false, as well as its “ObamaCare will kill jobs” line as totally false!
Not only has this corporate and billionaire money never trickled down to the workers, it hasn’t created more U.S. jobs. On the other hand, those tax cuts are really tax increases on Main Street businesses and the rest of us because we ALL end up paying for this corporate greed and irresponsibility. Unlike the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, I want Tammy Baldwin for our Wisconsin senator because she works tirelessly for the middle class and policies that create jobs so that a rising tide can lift all boats, and not just yachts.
Kay L. Hoff, Minocqua
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