Thieves took a life of fishing memories By Ed “Chow” Choinski
This letter is for the two individuals who took it upon themselves to drive up to my ice shack, located on Rainbow Flowage, on their snowmobiles at 3 a.m. the morning of Dec. 29. It wasn’t enough you ripped off the front door and ransacked my shack, but you stole a lifetime of my family’s fishing equipment. Some of it was passed down after others had died.
I hope you find good use for the two tip-up bags you took which were manufactured in Rhinelander. The green Metro Line bag was mine, and the black one was my wife’s. They were full off our walleye tip-ups, some of them brand new, which by now you know. I hope you salute the American flag every time it goes up, and think about the choices you made that lead you to becoming a thief.
As far as the lantern, binoculars, ice scoops, Q-beam, tip-up lights, line, hooks, sinkers, spinning rods and reels, and our six tip downs, I’ll buy new ones, just like I did in the first place. I will bet someone reading this knows who did it. Call the Oneida County Sheriff, and I’ll reward you for your honesty when they make the arrest to the tune of $500.
As a community we need to get people like this locked up and off our streets.
Ed “Chow” Choinski, Lake Tomahawk
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