Letters for the week of 9-11
Remembering 9/11/2001
Remember 9/11/2001
Suddenly so many souls, rising and
seeking their place in the ether,
No longer identified by gender, race or creed.
Gently glide to a combined eternity,
never to be lost, lonesome, or injured again.
Cradled in a cocoon of rapture and peace,
no torment of right and wrong.
Wrapped in an all encompassing pure love,
The silent gathering of generations,
time and ages without measure
I feel the gentle push toward the children
of my body and heart,
to hold them tightly and impart what
experience has taught me.
That which teaches life’s lessons,
to feel and to see is to know.
See how hideous hate can be,
who hates is a prisoner of
of their passion against life.
For life and hatred cannot commingle
in the same sphere,
one negates the other by virtue of its nature.
Life is Beauty
Hate the Beast.
Barb Schmeling, Rhinelander
Five minutes to end the war
That’s what it takes to email your Congressional and Senatorial representatives to simply say “Bring our troops home.”
Now let’s support our troops by fighting for their freedom. Our soldiers are not a commodity for war profiteers. They are our family. The other guy isn’t bringing them home. Apples fall naturally from the tree, but sometimes you have to shake the tree to get the job done. Now its up to you and me to do our part for them. Say “Thank You” to our troops by calling or emailing your Congressional and Senatorial representatives and demanding that they be brought back home. We are the government.
Let’s return them to their families and pass the word for others to do the same. Let’s free them from their police duties in the Middle East and give families back their sons, husbands, and fathers and mothers. They’ve done their part; now its up to us.
Craig Strid, Rhinelander
Government should be limited
Voters who willingly vote for increased government control of our economy as a legal way to force others to provide themselves with a comfortable life style are destroying the freedoms that have made America prosper. When a private company fails under capitalism, the only people who pay the price for the failure are those who risked their investment money. When government fails, the citizens pay a terrible price and American economic security is threatened or destroyed.
The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s developed because the 1966 Congress placed limits on savings rates that commercial banks and savings and loans could offer. This legislation resulted in slow growth, high interest rates and stagnation. The government also insured these institutions with public money thereby encouraging bankers to implement risky investment practices to survive this artificial environment created by the government. This moral dilemma was acerbated by President Carter who created the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to encourage banks and savings associations to “help meet the credit needs of low-income families”.
President Clinton’s National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream modified standards for home mortgages to put low-income families into homes with little concern for the ability of those families to meet their financial commitments. Banking regulations and standards were left unchecked by regulators. When the government began relaxing loan underwriting standards and Fannie Mae automated the lending process by eliminating previous due diligence, the private sector also implemented these “standards” to remain competitive thereby corrupting the free market system. Corrupt banking standards were devised by Fannie Mae which used powerful government ties to manipulate law makers and eviscerate regulators while enriching its own executives and family members of complicit legislators. The program was designed to “buy” votes from people by promising them something that they have not earned. The taxpayer is now burdened with the economic ruin that ensued.
When government policies opened the door for easy profits, Wall Street became a willing enabler to the destruction of the American economy by providing money for these loans knowing the government would take tax dollars from the middle class and others to cover any Wall Street losses. Another blow to the integrity of capitalism and free market principles.
According to Reckless Endangerment, written by Gretchen Morgenson, critics of these flawed government and banking policies represented both political parties and were ignored or silenced by congressional accomplices, lobbyists, and bankers who “used government studies that had been manipulated with flawed analysis to conclude that homeownership was a desired goal for all.” These hypocritical leaders destroyed the value of the wealth held by the middle class while simultaneously bemoaning the diminishing middle class!
How often will our government be allowed to destroy our banking system, housing market, and investment opportunities before the citizens of this country demand that the government limit itself to the duties defined in the Constitution?
Karen Schroeder, Rice Lake
Writer not presenting truth
I was sorry to read the recent letter in another local media by Karen Schroeder regarding the “pilfering” of Wisconsin school districts’ scarce funds.
I was sorry because despite loaded language like “pilfering,” “unscrupulous actions,” and “egregious behavior,” she gave no examples of “pilfering” by WEA trust. I was sorry because she maligns the honest and good people of WEA Trust who have simply worked to serve the school workers of Wisconsin and their families. I was sorry because Mrs. Schroeder isn’t presenting the truth about WEA Trust.
She quotes Todd Arnoldussen from the Kaukauna School Board as saying, “Once something is negotiated, it cannot be changed.” That is not true. That is simply not true. Every contract negotiated in Wisconsin had an ending date when everything was back on the table.
She claims that WEA Trust had a monopoly. That is also not true. In most of the contracts with which I am familiar, school boards are able to change the insurance carriers if they can find equal or better coverage at a lower cost from another carrier. In spite of many attempts to find such equivalent coverage, school districts seldom do.
What Mrs. Schroeder has not done is explain why WEA Trust was able to underbid private insurance companies while it provided a superior product. The competition for WEA Trust came from privately owned companies whose goal is to make the highest profit possible. Private health insurance companies make profits by keeping their costs below their income. Private health insurance companies lose money when they pay our medical claims…and that lowers their profits.
Because WEA Trust is not a privately owned company, making a profit is not their primary goal. WEA Trust was established by the school workers of Wisconsin to provide quality health care, not to make money. The school workers, the school workers’ unions, and the employees of the union did not profit from WEA Trust, and I challenge Ms. Schroeder to produce proof of that unsubstantiated claim. Because WEA Trust has such low administrative costs, the people of those Wisconsin districts which carried WEA Trust for their workers got the full value of the premiums that they paid; the funds were spent to provide health care, not on the profits of the insurance company.
Ms. Schroeder’s own words tell why she and private insurance companies don’t like WEA Trust-“The advantages of the free market system are diminished.”
Ms. Schroder’s Facebook page, Advocates for Academic Freedom, describes her organization as “Bringing conservative current event materials, traditional American values, and accountability to education.”
She also” likes” Michelle Bachman and Rush Limbaugh. Beware!
Gail Bloom, Rhinelander
Attacks on Simac unwarranted
I have lived through many election cycles. It is amazing to me how low we have allowed ourselves to fall. Negative ads that everyone complains about, yet we buy into their claims and let such remarks sway our vote. So many inaccuracies, hypocrisies, but one that struck me as outrageous came from Mr. Holperin himself about Kim Simac’s books being printed in China, repeated in mail flyers and TV ads.
I thought of his business in Eagle River, Grandma’s Toy Box, and wondered if many items were made in China. I ventured in-I was correct. Items from China were everywhere, with hardly an item made in the USA. How hypocritical this was for Mr. Holperin to attack Kim Simac’s campaign on this basis.
I am an intelligent voter. I know Social Security and Medicare are federal programs voted on in Washington DC, not Madison. So why were these topics even introduced into the campaign of state senator? Many seniors were frightened when told they would lose their Social Security if they did not vote for Jim Holperin.
Too many small businesses in Wisconsin just scrape by. After quarterly payments are made, no tax liability is due. Kim Simac was not a tax evader, as Mr. Holperin and his friends led voters to believe.
I know Kim Simac, and have copies of her books. I was sad that no one asked about her books. Simac’s “America Soldier, Proud and Free,” a tribute to our heroes past and present, was donated to each Fischer House location throughout the nation, a “comfort home” so family members may be close to wounded soldiers. At the 2008 Disabled Veterans Wheelchair Games, 550 disabled veterans each received a copy as well.
Did anyone check her “Book for Soldiers” kids program, which helps children of active duty soldiers receive a free copy of her book? This book recognizes their family member for the American hero that they are.
No, they didn’t look that far.
Instead, they took a 30-second TV or radio ad as the truth. Everyone hates the negative ads, but until the voters educate themselves and demand facts instead of sensational attacks on a candidate’s character, we will continue to elect legislators who may be far less than they profess to be, and perhaps far worse than the opponent that they slander.
Mary Lou Hake, Conover
Thank you for making fair a success
The 2011 Oneida County Fair was made possible by the following businesses and people. We thank you! We couldn’t have done without you!
A1 Septic – Tom Arts, Adrianna Roberts – Fairest of the Fair, Amy Engel, Andy Fus, Anna Gauthier – UW Extension Office, AR Jones Surveying – Tony Jones, Ashley Hollands, Best Western Claridge Motor Inn, Blake Jensen, Bob’s Power Center, Brian Gehrig, Brianna Hollands, Calvary Baptist Church, Cassandra Hollands, Carlson Funeral Home, CCL Gardens – Bert Saal, Cellcom, Charter Media, Chris Ramirez, City of Rhinelander Taxpayers, City of Rhinelander Admin. Staff, City of Rhinelander – Gunder Paulson and Randy Knuth, City of Rhinelander Fire Dept. – Terry Williams, City of Rhinelander Parks & Rec Committee – Sherrie Bellivieau, City of Rhinelander Parks Sraff – Jeremy Biolo & Crew (Eric & Eric), City of Rhinelander Police Department – Michael Steffes, Claudia Baker, Cole Jensen, Concrete Products Inc – Rick & Deb Johnson, Cordell King, Coyote 93.7 – Ben Rosenthal,
Dakota Shepherd, David Hibbard, Dave Hollands, David Rivord Family, Dave Wilcox, Dawn Olson, Downtown Rhinelander Inc., Driscoll Property Management – Gary Driscoll, Duncan Seidel, Eastwich Morgans – John & Michelle Wich, Ellie Pope, Eric Hamilton, Erica Brewster – UW-Extension Office, Forth Floral – Henning & Ruth Hempel, Drs. Foster & Smith, Friends of the Rhinelander Animal Shelter, Gaber Electric – Tom and Dave Gaber, Ginger Terzinski – UW-Extension Office, Grace Lodge – Maureen O’Melia, Great Lakes Timber Assoc., Gunnar Millott, Hans Hoehn, Hanson’s Garden Village – Brent & Sue Hansen, Harvey and Alfreida Harder – Calvary Baptist Church, Hext Electric – Bob Hext, Hodag Farmer’s Market, Hodag Honda – Jeff Plouff, Home Depot, Howard Parkinen – Calvary Baptist Church, Island Bay Printing – Mike Kusek, Janice Scheeler, Jacob Trudeau, Jacob Winn, JC Penney, Jennie Kotula, Jessie Winkler, Jim and Kathy Winkler, Joel Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. John Ohlson, Jonathan Monk, Jonna Jewell – UW-Extension Office, Judy Young, Katlyn Hollands, Kesha Winkler, Kerri Ison – UW Extension Office, Kids In Need Volunteers – Tammy Ellis, Kohl’s, Lake Tomahawk American Legion, Lattitudes – Michelle Smith-Grage,
Liesel Koch, Lorenze King, Lund & Taylor Bridal – Mary Taylor, M&I Bank part of BMO Financial, Marilyn Riggs, Master Gardeners of the North – Diane Dei Rossi, McNaughton Correctional Center – Sgt. Paul Magnusen, Mary Ann Huebner – 4H, Mary Grobe, Matthew McFee, Matthew O’Melia, Mel Davidson, Midwest Indian Mission Inc., Donald Dewing, Mid-Wisconsin Bank, Mimmi Sjoberg, Minocqua Chamber of Commerce, Ministry Health Care, Musson Brothers, Newbold Fire Department, NEX Performance Films, Nick Wright, Northern Lights HOG Chapter – Rose Shelbreck, Northern Title & Abstract – Al Mancl, Northern Waste – Tracy Howard, Northland Orthopedic Associates, Northland Printing – Ray Pelletier, NorthPro Video – Mike Michalak, Northwood Golf Course, Northwoods National Bank, Northwoods River News, Northwoods Mounted Search & Rescue – Neal Moore, Nosser’s Stamp & Scrap, NRG Media, Oneida County Corporation Councel – Brian Desmond / Tom Wiensch, Oneida County Dept on Aging – Dianne Jacobsen and Stephanie Schroeder, Oneida County Emergency Management – Ken Kortenhof, Oneida County Health Dept., Oneida County Taxpayers, Oneida County Tourism Council, Oneida County Veteran’s Service – Don Reed, Oneida County UW-Extension Office – Dan Kuzlik,
Office Max, Otto Schoeneck, Paige Mahner, Patricia Broukal – Rhinelander Area Chamber of Commerce, Patricia Mandli, Pauline Huven, Penny Klutz, Peter Lindgren – Calvalry Baptist Church, Phil Puza, Phoenix Bise, Pomp’s Tires – Tom Moritz, Potlicker Chainsaw Carving – Nathan Nuszkiewicz, Press Express, Rainne Britton, Real Shelter Properties, Republican Party of Oneida County, Rhinelander Chamber of Commerce, Rhinelander Flying Service, Rhinelander Ice Association – Brett Aylesworth, Rhinelander Lions Club – Mike Romportl, Rhinelander Tourism Marketing Committee, Rick Winn, RIPCO Credit Union, Rockney Recha, Romelle Vandervest, Ron Bosi, RSC Equipment Rental, Ryan Winn, Sally Latimer – Winifred Studios, Schilleman Limo Service – Sherrie Schilleman, Scott Hedberg, Sears – Greg Jackamino, Sebastian Seidel, Shoeder’s RV, Marine & Sport Center – Keith Shoeder andJess Spiegelhoff, Shoeder’s Sport Center – Lynn Shoeder, Shopko, Sowinski Farms, Spring Britton, Sundog Ballooning – Jodi & Kerry Hansen, Star Journal/Hodag Buyers’ Guide, Steve Dembrouski – Calvary Baptist Church, Teresa Jensen, Team USA Martial Arts – Dave Sixel, Terry Kemp,
Three Lakes Chamber of Commerce, TLC Dog Training – Carol Lofquist, Tom Swearingen, Town of Minocqua, Town of Pelican – Ken Gardner, Town of Pelican Fire Department, Town of Pine Lake Fire Department, Trig’s – Steve Heise, UW Extension Office, Victory Janitorial, Walmart – Brent Sundby, WJFW Channel 12 – Heather Schallock, WXPR, YMCA of the Northwoods – Laurie Schlitt, and Zach Densow.
Oneida County Fair Planning Committee: Craig Mandli – President, Mark Pelletier – Vice President, Melanie Ostermann – Secretary, Denise Rheaume Brand, Eric Britton, Freda Waalkens, Jenny Zier, Jim Perlberg, LeRoy Eades, Michelle Wich, Nancy Gehrig, Sue Glentz, Theresa Seabloom, Tom Peterson and Fair Coordinator Tina Werres.
If you enjoyed the 2011 Oneida County Fair, and would like to help us continue to grow, please consider this-we need you! To be a volunteer at the fair, call Nancy at (715) 362-5684. To be on our Planning Committee, call Craig at (715) 499-3721. To contribute financially, or be a vendor, call Tina at (715) 499-3002. To bring your skills, tools and energy for set up and tear down help, call Melanie at (715) 369-1616.
Thank you to all who attended, and our community citizens for your support.
The Oneida County Fair Planning Committee
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